
DeRanged Comedy Night - Open Mic

OPEN MIC - Everything You Need To Know 

 Here is where you can sign up to be in the line up for comedy nights!

 Each open mic act will have a 5 minute spot to perform. As of right now De-Ranged Comedy Night is open to open mic comedians, singers, written word, and poetry. If you're funny bring it. If not but you have a lighthearted act you would like to share please sign up and bring a friend!! Going up for the first time? Whatcha waiting on??!

 Every week after the event has ended the list will be cleared and restarted for the next week. So please sign up each week to be sure you're on the list! PLEASE READ THE OPEN MIC GUIDELINES!!


No Video, photos, or audio recordings: This being an open mic event we don't allow recording of any kind. Why? Most people that perform here are working out material that may not be polished and ready for the general public, so in the interest of professional courtesy we don't allow recording of any kind.  (If you are performing, have signed up, and wish to record your OWN set and NO others, please put in a request at the time of signing up. To be Allowed)

No hateful content: Be responsible with your words and content. This is a safe space for comedy and expression, but NEVER cruelty or hateful content. Event hosts and staff will stop a performance if necessary.

Please respect gender pronouns: We know that everyone may not have the same level of familiarity with, or understanding of Gender Pronouns, and/or their proper uses. Please enter this space with the goal of making everyone comfortable. We should all try our best to be respectful of how we or others may identify, and that others may not understand or know how to properly navigate your or others preferred pronouns.

Be a supportive audience members: Please no talking while performances are happening. Nothing feels worse than being on the stage and hearing people talking loudly while you are on. Be the audience member you would want to be in front of!

Dean Johnson
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